My thesi's project started by diving into the word of natural fabric dye.At this point I experimented a lot with the materials and did a lot of research about technical methods where I found my inspiration artists.An important step of the process was to find the best kind of natural fabric in order to embrace the colors, the quality and the aesthetic I wanted.First, I experimented with stuff I already had in my conviniece trying poppies and wildflowers.In my walks i started noticing the plants and flowers that surrounded me, collecting and testing each time something new.Keeping on my research, I found out that vegetables like red cabbage, black beans and madder can bring great tints on the fabric.Doing these experiments in square fabric I decided to create scarfs and not clothes to emphasize on the artistic part.So, I created a brand in which I had to interprent by design the feelings and thoughts I had during the procedure.
The concept of imprint combined with the randomness of the moment intrigued me.So, I translated that into the raw imprint that the materials left on the fabric whose naturality makes them random. Regarding that, I ended up naming the brand sτiγ.ma which in greek means imprint and has the same route as word moment (στίγμα - στιγμή). Including that I interpreted the symbol (s) in my logo which comes from the greek ancient complex στ (στίγμα). 
Trying different displays on the symbol, I ended up engraving it on linoleum so that it can be portrayed as a stamp of an imprint. That included the character of randomness that the stamp has using different color each time. In addition to that I applied this technique to the corporate cards.​​​​​​​
In the final thesis book I included topics such as fast fashion, history of natural colors, artists I got inspired. I also incorporated my process and the final products which are the scarfs, corporate cards and packaging. Here are some of the highlights.
Thesis project


Thesis project


Creative Fields