This painting represents the anxiety behind the curtains when starting a new chapter in life.

Personally, my plan had always been to go to home to Florida for veterinary school after graduating college, but my sophomore year I decided to switch my major to art. By my junior year, I was convinced I wanted to be an artist. A painter, specifically. Now my whole plan has changed and I'm about to start a whole new chapter filled with unknowns. 

These animations are very personal to me because they include videos of my own pets throughout my life. They were always my inspiration to be a veterinarian. When they were hurting, all I wanted to be able to do was help them. 

Changing my plans made me feel almost like I was letting them down. 

But if being from Florida taught me one thing, it's that the storm will move on, and the sun will shine again. 

Wishful thinking


Wishful thinking
