Arema Arega's profile

The Red Soundtracks - Concept Album (NeoNoir)

Track By Track Guide: 

The Red Soundtracks 
The Film Argument

Side A

1.Black Mama’s magic

Las cortinas se abren y empieza la función. Es de noche y las luces de la ciudad se ven fragmentadas por una llovizna incipiente. Las calles desiertas y mojadas son el principio de esta historia.

(The curtains open and the play begins. It’s night time and the lights of the city are fragmented by incipient drizzle. The deserted and wet streets are the beginning of this story.)

2. Natural Jazz

Ella camina sola por la ciudad desierta. Sus pasos son inseguros y su mente prefiere refugiarse en sus pensamientos, ante el temor de un encuentro indeseado.

(She walks alone through the deserted city. Her steps are insecure and her mind prefers to take refuge in her thoughts, rather than in the fear of an unwanted encounter.)

3. Miro y te Veo (I look and I see you)

Suspenso, están en todas partes. Vienen con mensajes que no terminan de decir. Son las voces de muchos y de ninguno.

(Suspense, they are everywhere. They come with messages, that they never finish saying. They are the voices of many and of none.)

4. Moon Light Shadow - The Dream

Un Tango Congo para el alma divertir. Las sonrisas pintadas en rostros tristes. El baile es duelo y el duelo, duele.

(A Tango Congo for the soul, to have fun. Smiles are painted on sad faces. The dance is a duel and the duel hurts.)

5. Natural Jazz - TheRemix

Triunfal, segura, ya nunca volverá a ser igual.

(Triumphant, confident, she will never be the same.)

Side B

6. Black Mama’s Prayer

La culpa y el perdón van juntos por el camino de la vida. La libertad tiene un precio.

(Guilt and forgiveness walk together on the path of life. Freedom has a price.)

7. Everybody but Me

Ser una mujer independiente y segura. Libre del que dirán y de la necesidad de ser poseída por el favorito de todos, para sentirse realizada.

(To be an independent and proud woman, who doesn’t care about what the people want her to be and who doesn’t need to be owned by the most popular of them, to feel fulfilled.)

8. Groovy

Vestida de fiesta, va bailando por las calles de la ciudad. La música que suena en su corazón, es el motor que le impulsa la vida.

(Dressed to party, she goes dancing through the city. The music that sounds in her heart is the energy that drives her life.)

9. Mal 

Irreverente, camina por la sala de baile con una copa en la mano. Habla con todos, pero está con ninguno. Es libre… y seduce y ríe…. y se va.

(Irreverent, she walks across the dance floor, with a drink in her hand. She speaks with all of them, but she is not with anyone. She is free… and seduces and laughs ... and leaves…)
Also selected for the soundtrack of the Making of of the film " Club de Jazz" directed by Esteban Insausti. 

"Natural Jazz" is part of The Soundtracks

"Love and solitude, based in a dreamy New York" The story of a working class woman in her everyday life. How the things come and go, but she still there. And her Love flies away, like Jazz." 
"El amor y la soledad, basado en un Nueva York de ensueño " Una mujer de clase trabajadora en su vida cotidiana. Cómo las cosas van y vienen, pero ella sigue ahí. Y su amor vuela lejos, como Jazz. "

Original Song: Natural Jazz 
Music, Lyrics and Arrangement: Arema Arega 
Mixed and Mastered: Sam Wheat 

Music Video 
Director/ Producer / Editor: Arema Arega 
Photos of New York courtesy of: Frank Guiller
Cover Photo: Daniel Francis-Berenson 

Locations: Barcelona/ New York / Toronto
The Red Soundtracks - Concept Album (NeoNoir)


The Red Soundtracks - Concept Album (NeoNoir)

Releasing a Limited Edition Vinyl (Sold Out) The Red Soundtracks was my way of making my own movie. Cinema noir, suspense, the exoticism of the Read More
