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App Branding for Flair

Flair is a brand new relationship app that will not only help you remember your anniversary or partner's birthday, but will help you find the perfect gift as well!
The brainchild of entrepreneurs Shaik Rooney and Paul Ovens, the Flair concept came out of what they saw as a strong need for men to be more attentive to the subtlies of relationships.  With our lives becoming busier and busier all the time, many relationship failures can be put down to a lack of communication and attention to detail.  This is equally true of new relationships, when impressions are being made and remembering the finer details are absolutely critical.  
Shaik and Paul are seeking to provide men with the means to record this all important information, in a quick, simple to use form.  On signing in, the app will prompt you for key dates and points to remember.  It will provide you with a place to record your partner's likes and dislikes as well as a means store any ideas or interests your partner may mention in passing.  The ultimate vision is to have the perfect gift, activity idea or date venue available at your finger tips, making you look good and your partner happy.  
In the future Shaik and Paul are even hoping to interface Flair with major online and brick'n'motar retailers, so you won't just know what to get your loved one, but from where and how far away you are from the nearest store that sells it.
I was comissioned to produce the logo and branding guidelines for the flair app.  Shaik, already had a concept in mind for a flame based on an emergency sign he'd seen, though the name of the app was still being decided.  The idea seemed to fit well.  It could represent a warning as much as it could the warming light of steady burning home fires.  I ran with the concept fairly closely to the original, curving the points to add interest and adding dimension with the gradients and hardlined glass effect on the flame's upper half. 
Logo Designs
Primary Logo - White Text on Black
Colour on White
Black on White
White on Black
Additional Logo Option - Red Text on Black
App Icon Mockup
Website -
App Branding for Flair

App Branding for Flair

Flair is a brand new relationship app that will not only help you remember your anniversary or partner's birthday, but will help you find the per Read More
