Design 1
The purpose of this project was to create a three dimensional
represenation of a specific Mondroin painting.
The painting I chose was Composition London. In my model
I represented the positive and negatve space in the
painting. Treating the white space as voids and the
colored as solids.
Concept diagrams
Final model
Abstract Painting
For project 5 I chose the painting “Carnival Evening” by Henry Rousseau.
In this painting I noticed that the trees are regressing into the background
and that there are several groupings of three for example; the three
clouds in the sky and groupings of three in the trees. From this I came up with my main concept,
regression. To portray regression abstractly I grouped vertical strips of basswood,
representing the trees, into clusters of three and used frosted plexiglass
to represent the clouds into which the trees are recessing.
"Carnival Evening" by Henry Rousseau
Final model
Invisible CIties
For project 6, We read Invisible cities, by Italio Calvino. My concept
was inspired from the city Octavia in chapter 5. Octavia is a city that
hangs over an abyss. Everything in the city
hangs below and is connected and supported
by ropes and chains in a spider web like fashion.
From Octavia I got my suspended concept.
My invisible city is suspended inside the
earth. It is hung with wire and stairs are the
only means of transportation to and within the
Conceptual Diagrams
Plan, section and elevation
Final Model
Lighting Project
For project 7 I created a working lighting
fixture. Though the fixture I wanted to recreate
a galaxy affect. To achieve this I drilled holes in the form of
constalations to enable light to project through the holes
onto the walls and ceiling creating a sort of stary
night affect.
Plan, section and elevations
Final model
Design 1

Design 1

Projects from Design 1, first semester of freshman year


Creative Fields