Kurt's Drawings
Various pencil, colored pencil, and ink drawings.
Drawings of various types covering a wide variety of subject matter. Feedback always welcome.
No Vacancy
One of my favorites. I was going for the spooky, abandoned building that had one been a fancy hotel sort of thing.
"You will, of course, be staying for dinner..."
One of my first forays into colored pencil.
"Rescue the Princess from WHAT?!"
This one was an experiment that turned out better than I expected. It was a plain pencil drawing, and I was experimenting with using colored pencil to add just a little bit of highlight color.
Uncle Charlie's Farm
Another experiment. I was trying to figure out if I remembered how to do a pen and ink drawing. Started off as nothing more than an ink doodle and turned into an ink drawing I feel pretty good about.
"Whadda YOU lookin' at?"
Darkness in Motion
Darkness was a character for a comic book of my own creation, Shadow Corps.
Fisher Brings the Pain
A page
from my comic book, Shadow Corps. Fisher was the team leader. Here he is bringing a proper superhero beatdown to some nefarious lawbreaker.
Another character from my comic book, Shadow Corps. Nightfall was one of my favorites, bringing more badguy clobbering and evil-doer buttkicking than any pathetic comic book villain could possibly handle.
Harry P.
All copyrights belong to their original owners. This is a derivative work intended to show my respect and appreciation for the origianl work and its copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
All copyrights belong to their original owners. This is a derivative work intended to show my respect and appreciation for the origianl work and its copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The Joker
All copyrights belong to their original owners. This is a derivative work intended to show my respect and appreciation for the origianl work and its copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
Scooby (1)
All copyrights belong to their original owners. This is a derivative work intended to show my respect and appreciation for the origianl work and its copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
Scooby (2)
All copyrights belong to their original owners. This is a derivative work intended to show my respect and appreciation for the origianl work and its copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
Standing Watch - Castle Triptych #1
Number 3 is still forthcoming.
Silent Witness - Castle Triptych #2
Number 3 is forthcoming.
Whatever Walked There Walked Alone
This is a building that was near I went to college. One of the spookiest buildings I've ever seen from the outside. (Oh how I wish I'd been able to get inside and go exploring and take some pictures.) Sadly, it is gone now, but it always made me think of that line from Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House.
She Watched
My first real attempt at trying to draw something spooky. Not quite as spooky as I had intended, but not bad as a first attempt.


Various drawings using a pencil, colored pencil, or ink, or a combination thereof.
