Ammon Finch's profile

ART OF FINCH | Business Card

Typography has many applications. It can be decorative and informative as you can see by this business card. By looking at successful business cards, multiple concept sketches, and digital designing this is the end result of my process to create my very own graphic design business card.
Below you can see the process of how this card came to fruition step-by-step.
1st Image: These are the business cards that I found to inspire my own designs.
2nd Image: These are my rough sketches to help jumpstart my own digital sketches.
3rd Image: First round of digital sketches. I started off with only black and white to figure out the best layout without over-complicating the designs.
This is where the fun really began.
1st Image: From my previous digital design concepts, these were the top three.
2nd, 3rd, 4th Image: Design A, B, and C variations. I took each digital sketch and made 12 different variations of each to figure out what worked best for my business card. 
5th Image: After looking at the 36 variations I refined, these were the top three.
6th Image: Here are four different back concepts per variation to help me narrow down which business card represented me the best.

Out of the top three cards of the previous images, I chose the one that showed 'me' the best. 
1st, 2nd Image: Four color variations for my top business card design.
3rd Image: I changed the colors on my card from process colors to spot colors
My three spot colors: PANTONE Black 6 C, PANTONE Cool Gray 9 C, PANTONE 313 C
4th Image: My final design as you see above.
Thank you for taking the time to see my process to create a successful business card!

ART OF FINCH | Business Card

ART OF FINCH | Business Card
