Hunter Holbrook's profile

SNHU GAM-495 ePortfolio

Hunter Holbrook Game Developer Portfolio.
*Note: All 'Artifacts' or projects mentioned will be attached with sources to this ePortfolio.
Artifact 1: GAM-465 Presentation
Reflection and Information.
This artifact served as a self-analysis of ones own ability and skills, as well as covering our chosen skills in our chosen specialization.

Having chosen Gameplay Designer as my specialization of choice for the course, I began researching more into what the role did within video games.  What did and didn't they do?  Were they involved with the characters, or the functions of the game?  Were they involved in deciding on the game design?

Having to look back at interaction with the community, I took the approach of both 'personal' and 'professional' unlike what I believed to be originally intended.  Due to having personal friends within the field of video game development, we frequently would have discussions about development or video games in general.  Similarly, I had also split up 'community' into Developers and the 'Players', to detail interactions with the various sides.

The more difficult task of the reflection was the self-analysis.  When it comes to self-analysis, how should one answer?  Some might gauge themselves too low, where as some might assess themselves to be better at a skill than they are.  So it took some time to complete the assessment.
Artifact 2: GAM-465 Untitled Proof of Concept
Reflection and Information.
For the course GAM-465, one of our assignments was to create a proof of concept for a video game.  I took some time to think, and knew I was always a fan of Strategy games.  Thinking more into what possibilities I could do, I remembered the old Mafia movies like The Godfather.  I started looking into similar games to the idea, and the proverbial ball started to roll.

Intended as a mixture of a Strategy & Role-Playing game, centered roughly around the year 1920.  While the year itself has yet to be set in stone, it opens up more options for activities the player and their gang or 'mafia' can get involved in.

The intended platforms is based upon past research and experience, with games in the same genre.  Often times interfaces or controls, sometimes even both would be 'fickle' or tricky to use on various consoles.  Personal Computers tend to allow more more range and control, when it comes to use over interfaces and other strategy game aspects.
Artifact 3: GRA-202 Fire Hydrant model.
Reflection and Information.
This model was designed in one of my early college classes, where we were intended to make a model of our choosing with 3ds Max.  Modeling and art are not my forte, however the modeling aspect of the fire hydrant proved to be quite quick and simple.

For modeling, the fire hydrant was rather simple due to primarily consisting of just 'cylinders' and a modified sphere.  The model itself took but an hour or two, after I got myself accustomed to using the tool involved.

The artistic aspect of things however I am not great at, so the model was made with a very messy UVW texture.  For a more 'cartoonized' look, the hydrant could have the texture removed to be more suited to that aesthetic.  In the future, I would like to go back and try to clean up the UVW as well as the texture to clean up this model further.
Artifact 4: GAM-415 'Paintball Blitz'
Reflection and Information.
This project was intended for course GAM-415, where we were intended to create a 'Paintball' game using a C++ format.  The original project did not do as well as wanted, and many functions couldn't be made to work due to lack of experience handling C++. 

The project was eventually changed, being re-created in the Unreal Blueprint system in order to get the basic functions in that I had intended for the initial project.  Originally getting targets to move and points tracking was all the initial project had, however after conversion to Blueprints the remainder of the features were finished.  Consisting of a timer, that counts up until you hit all of the targets.  Targets that vanish and can no longer give points after being hit.  As well as points tracking, to keep track of the number of targets currently hit.

Due to needing to remake the project from scratch, the level itself is very basic, intending more to show understanding of the Unreal Engine over showing off detail.  Future polish is intended, in order to add additional features.  Breaking targets instead of vanishing targets, a proper target model, as well as a properly detailed level.
SNHU GAM-495 ePortfolio

SNHU GAM-495 ePortfolio
