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Heater Pro X Northern Ireland UK Reviews: Portable

Heater Pro X Northern Ireland UK Reviews: Portable Plug in Heater Price & Where to Buy
Heater Pro X Northern Ireland UK Reviews: Have you ever felt like the normal room temperature is not sufficient enough to make you feel warm! Or that you are not a winter person and feel cold even when with the blankets! Then you are not the only one. Although it is hot and pleasant in most of the parts of India still northern India experience chilly winds for a few months and wearing warm clothes and taking blankets is just not enough to tackle the breeze those months.

Different types of heaters are available according to the area and the purpose of using heaters. You can easily find Room heaters in some households which are used to heat a small room and are usually found in portable forms to fit a wall.

Indeed, there are a lot of different brands available when it comes to buying electronics no matter what! But if you are looking for an elegant and efficient room heater, then, Heater Pro X would be a perfect choice for you. Let us now know more about these heaters to get a clear picture of what they are and how they are used.

What are Heater Pro X?

This brand new line of heaters that offer so convenient and easy-to-use heaters at low costs that you might not search any longer for a better product. 

It provides you with a wide range of heaters be it convection, conduction, or radiant. However, different heater types rely upon the different heating methods and the purpose of using them. It is probably the best choice for elderly people specifically for those who are sick and can’t move. 

Different types of Heater Pro X that are available in the market

It is very important to go through all the options available to you as a customer so that you can choose wisely and there is no violation of the right to choose act. So, the following are the three different types of heaters you will come across.


Oil heaters are widely known as oil-filled heaters or radiators and are suitable for all sizes of rooms. It is a common form of convection heater which is used for domestic purposes. The name does not suggest that oil heaters have something to do with burning oil for heat!

They work with a simple phenomenon of dipping the heating element into the oil which heats the oil and the surrounding area is also affected by it due to which they generally take time to heat the entire room but provide warmth for a much longer duration. Moreover, oil is just used as a reserve or a heat reservoir not as a fuel.

2. Convection heaters

Convection heaters are the most convenient form of heaters which use the movement gas and liquid along with the air currents to circulate the sir and transfer heat in the surroundings. By following the process of thermal conduction, the currents circulate throughout the heater. These types of heaters are common in Indian households as they can easily be stored away when not in use and don’t require high maintenance.

Some convection heaters are available with fans and some are not but convection heaters use less power as compared to other heaters available in the market and could be the best pick for you as you can just turn off the heater and use the fan in the summer season. These heaters might be slow to heat the entire room but the effect stays for a significant period even after switching off the heater.

3. Radiant heaters

Radiant heaters use infrared technology to produce heat which is why they are also called infrared heaters. These types of heaters are best for small rooms with low ceilings. These heaters have nothing to do with the surface area of the room or whether the room is open or closed as they just have to be placed near the person who wants to stay warm.

Heater Pro X radiant heaters are best for cosy people and promote good health as well by saving people from allergies or breathing problems that could be caused by normal heaters.

Heater Pro X Northern Ireland UK Reviews: Portable

Heater Pro X Northern Ireland UK Reviews: Portable


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