Oje is a fruit juice brand produced in Nigeria, Africa. The brand aims to enrich the lives of those who are thirsty for more than just water or alcohol by giving them a blend of healthy fruit and rich flavor. The visual packaging design of Oje was inspired by the culture and language of the brand’s origin which helps them stand out from their competitors in the local market and easily helps them attract African loving consumers or Nigerians away from home in the global market. The overall designs were made simple to ease printing and production. After the brand identity and packaging, cool catchphrases were developed as wordplays on the brand’s flavors which are to be during campaign ads to drive sales for the brand.

My initial thought was to go with the catchphrase as “Do yourself a favor, have some flavor” but it felt too long and wordy, so i decided to reword it and came up with a much better and shorter catchphrase “Do yourself a flavor”. This made the phrase more catchy, less wordy and easy to remember.

Oje currently comes in 8 different flavors which are orange, lemon, pineapple, apple, mango, carrot, banana, and strawberry flavor. Each flavor has its own unique illustration of a man wearing a native Nigerian attire exerting force to the weight of a specific fruit which represents the flavor. The illustrations were made to showcase the fruit as being heavy so as to emphasize on the fact that the brand focuses heavily on giving the consumer the right fruity flavored experience.

Orange tastes good, so taste the orange today.

Studies show that carrots contain vitamin C and helps improve eyesight hence Oje’s carrot flavored juice is here to provide you with lots of vitamin see.

How else can you describe how Oje makes you feel other than with words like these.

Banana peels are known for their slippery nature and when stepped on, the tendecy to fall is usually high. So falling in love with this flavor is inevitable and this was the foundation of the idea for the “Oje’s banana flavor is a flavor you can fall for”.

Filled with strawberries and tastes very good. It’s definitely berry good.

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