The name Mylio is derived from "Myliobatoidei" which is the scientific name of stingray fish.
Mylio is a conceptual mouse whose form is inspired by stingray fish, transferring its dynamic, sensual, sleek characteristics into a mouse.

It has a very sleek design to provide a relaxing position for users' palms.

Can be used by users with right dominant hand and as well as left.

Similar to the fins on either side of a stingray, Mylio has wings where user can rest their thumb and palm.
It has a touch bar with haptics, which will give the user the same feel as scrolling on a conventional mouse 
A Bright LED indicator has been provided to indicate whether the mouse is turned on or on standby.

The area enclosed between the LED indicator has a fingerprint sensor which can be registered with your device's biometric security system or can be used as an external biometric lock.

user can unlock their device by placing their finger on the mouse's fingerprint sensor.
Equipped with wires charging and comes along with a wireless charging mouse pad which continuously charges Mylio. 


