A bold cross country campaign to tell Canadians that Reddit is a place to connect with your community.
Reddit is an American social media platform that allows its members to build a network of communities based on interests. Despite being around for 15 years, Canadian’s are largely unaware of Reddit. With this massive audience gap Reddit wanted to explore ways to reach people off of their devices.  
Despite Reddit's low user rate, there are several lively regional subreddits for major cities, sports teams, and hobbies. Investigating these communities there were no shortage of quirky and niche forums. There was ample opportunity to pull user generated content that are specific for every major city in Canada.
Taking a simple and bold approach to colour and layout, the campaign calls the viewer to “Find your people”. Reddit’s loud brand red frames user generated photography  personalised for each location. The campaign aimed to stay in the cultural moment pulling inspiration from timely news events.
Taking a simple and bold approach to colour and layout, the campaign calls the viewer to “Find your people”. Reddit’s loud brand red frames user generated photography personalized for each location. The campaign aimed to stay in the cultural moment pulling inspiration from timely news events.
Skills: Advertising, Production Design, Print, HTML5, Motion Graphics
Agency: JAW Advertising
Creative Direction: David Jones

