The Owl's Nest (currently ongoing)
The Owl's Nest is a showcase of a variety of design skills encompassing the launch of an F&B business from scratch.
-An original logo
-Business card
-Exterior and Interior Signage
-Menus and Flyers
-Mobile App

Themes to explore:

-Organic, well sourced, and high quality ingredients.
-Has to incorporate an Owl as it is based off my own name.
-Modern, but with small elements of Asian and Middle-Eastern themes if possible to link my heritage.
-Consistent design themes and colours throughout all elements.
-Clean and natural styles.​​​​​​​
Designing the Logo
Definitely the hardest part of this project as I went through multiple iterations of logos in order to get to one I really was happy with.
Business Card
Moving on to the menu, a number of different plant and nature graphics were used to create a natural, organic, and fresh theme. Placeholder text was used to gauge the initial size and spacing as it would be assumed that these would not be finalised until later down the line.
Exterior Signage
Mobile App
A mobile app was designed in Figma with a working prototype found here
The Owl's Nest


The Owl's Nest
