Hope in the Prison - Lettering Illustration
Story3x3 is a collaborative storytelling project created by @cupofcolor.ngo. Each story involved 9 international artists giving motivation & encouragement to people in desperate circumstances, and I was invited to participate in the Hope in the Prison edition to provide the title of this story. Other eight illustrators created pieces to complete this edition. The illustrations of 170 artists from over 65 countries was published in a non-profit zine. The project was curated by @kokdamon @rahel lam
For this project, I was in charge of designing the heading for the zine´s section: Hope in the Prison. This lettering piece is located in the middle of eight other illustrations made by artists from different parts of the world, all around the same message of hope for people deprived of their freedom. When designing this piece, I used some graphic elements to accompany the letterforms and convey the message. Counting marks and butterflies drawn on the dark walls, a bird out of her cage and yellow serif letters composed the artwork I created for a project I am very proud to be part of.
Hope in the Prison


Hope in the Prison
