Illustration done for the Faith section of the South Bend Tribune.
This was the frame for a commentary piece in the South Bend Tribune on a book with a lot of controversy around it. We couldn't show the book cover because of the offensive racial imagery, so I used a slightly altered design of the tigers, flowers and vines that had graced the book's cover. I also reworked the letters individually into something we could print. The pattern within the tigers is a scanned, textured parchment paper.
Various illustrations of insects for graphic projects over the years.
Ah, the Ants and the Grasshopper. This story came up for an article in the Tribune and I instantly knew how I would do this illustration. The fable of the "Ants and the Grasshopper" was always one of my favorite shorts from Disney's "Silly Symphonies" and the Disney style fit the story well.
Love. Bleah. Still, I liked doing the musical notes and the folds in the clothes.
Cupcake Wars done in Illustrator for the South Bend Tribune business section. It was a silly war...and no cupcakes were harmed.
A case of me being asked to mimic an illustration style for a story on Chantix.
I love comic books. When "Superman Returns" was coming out in theaters, I was asked to do an illustration to accompany the story for the Tribune. All characters are copyright their respective owners.
A South Bend Tribune piece about home invasion ... by critters. My Disney influence is showing again.
A combination of illustration and Photoshop. I drew the DJ out on paper before scanning him in and colorizing him.
Freelance logo piece done for a good friend of mine, Mari Linn Wise. This was for a charity auction with a staff of fine area chefs serving a meal.
And why not? It was fun and colorful.
Ah, once again, Halloween. Done for an article in the Tribune on local haunted places or true scary stories. I used Bloody Mary for the main image.
A portrait I did of one of my best friends, Steve Jones, for his Christmas gift one year. Colored pencil.
Perhaps one of my favorite illustrations for the Home section in the Tribune. I wanted this to feel like a greeting card you might get in your mailbox. Notice that the trees - even the small ones - are all the same.
This was originally done for a Tribune piece on Halloween legends much like that of the St. Patrick's Day graphic in the graphics section except that it went unused. It would have featured background on superstitions about black cats and the origin of the Jack-O-Lantern.
Another Tribune illustration done in Photoshop and Illustrator for an article on collecting comics. All characters are, of course, copyright their respective owners. Much fun penciling this up, then inking it in illustrator and then, finally, coloring it in Photoshop.
Done for a friend's website called the Warcraft Refuge. He got out of World of Warcraft before I could complete the artwork for it, so this was the only piece done.
Beans! This was a feature illustration done for the Midwest Farmer magazine that was printed by the Golden Rule Ad agency I was working for. It was a combination of watercolor and colored pencil.
Photoshop illustration/digital printing for the Tribune.
A fantasy illustration done for a friend featuring a succubus I think he wanted this for a screen saver.
A illustration done for the Tribune on funny Thanksgiving mishaps at home.
This was going to be a cutout for Thanksgiving with all the feathers in the tail being insertable, stand alone recipes that could be found thoughout the paper over several days leading up to the holiday. It went unused because of space and paper quality.
Vows magazine cover illustration for the Tribune.
Vows magazine cover illustration for the Tribune. I loved doing the subtle folds and the skintones to just hint at the image. The background was a scan of textured paper.


Illustration projects done by me. Some for the South Bend Tribune newspaper, some for friends and freelance work.
