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Stationery Aid Persuasive Poster

The Persuasive Posters
Stationery Aid Poster
Week 4 | #oneperday2022
Topic: The Persuasive Posters
Rainbow Teleporter

0.4 black fine liner and 120gsm paper

After brainstorming potential movements of this persuasion poster, I opted to design a poster for the charity Stationery Aid and first wanted to illustrate the donated materials being transported to the kids’ in need. First, I illustrated the rainbow lines using the 0.4 black fine liner. Then, I added the rainbows and the land. With this in place, I illustrated 3 happy children in Australia whose arms are above their heads; showing that the donated stationery is from them. Using the rainbow lines as guides, I illustrated rulers, pencils, erasers and highlighters in the ‘rainbow lanes’. To finish, I copied the existing logo and added the action “DONATE NOW!”. 

Before I started illustrating an idea for the persuasive poster, I first selected the audience to help me pick out a movement or charity I am passionate about. The families and with young children were selected as I wanted to push myself to create something tailored to an audience I am not entirely familiar with. I then brainstormed some concepts that school kids will have in common with their parents; concepts that would draw the attention of both children and parents. These included learning and extra-curricular activities, which made me remember the charity at my primary school where we donate learning materials - such as stationery - to kids in need all around Australia. Hence, the charity Stationery Aid was selected for this week’s poster. When I got to drawing this idea, I thought of images that would appeal to young children and a rainbow was the first thing that popped into my head. I didn’t use a pencil beforehand, as this is a rough idea. I decided that the characters should be drawn with simple clothes and detail as I wanted to have a child-like aesthetic for the poser: also making the poster more approachable to children as they are familiar with the simple drawing style.

When in full colour, the stationery would make up the colours of the rainbow and this is visually pleasing to young children.

The poster illustrates Australian kids donated stationery oversees, but the charity only operates in Australia. This is misleading and unethical to realistically publish.
It’sTopic: The Persuasive Posters
Raining Pencils and Rulers

0.4 black fine liner and 120gsm paper

I first drew in the charity’s name and the cloud surrounding it. I then added the stationery falling from the sky, paying deliberate attention to the angle and pattern so that there wasn’t a clump of pencils falling in the same direction. The employed of different stationery tools and angles created a sense of movement and easily caught the eye of passing people. I then added in 2 children reaching up to grab the donated stationery, showing to the viewer that any donated goods will be appreciated. I finally added in the adapted saying “It’s raining pencils and rulers” in a big raindrop. 

For this poster, I wanted to incorporate a well known saying. Getting inspiration from the Rainbow Teleporter, the imagery of stationery falling from the sky reminded me of the saying “It’s raining cats and dogs”. To adjust it to fit this context, I changed the animals to stationery and got the phrase, “It’s raining pencils and rulers”. This is a well known saying that the parents will connect with. Even if the children don’t understand the allusion to the saying, they will be interested in the impossible idea that the sky is raining stationery and not water. I enjoyed this poster idea and after considering the blank background, added some clouds and trees for depth and aesthetics. If this poster was selected as the final design, then the background would use the cut-out-paper technique used in the final. 

The cartoon stationary looks very pleasing and the mixture of rain drops adds to the sense of raining stationery.

The massive raindrop takes attention away from the falling stationery.
Topic: The Persuasive Posters
Oragami Poster

0.4 black fine liner and 120gsm paper

I first started drawing the Australia in the middle because I wanted the 5 paper layers to faintly echo the Australian land shape and then gradually become individual wavy circles. To show the viewer that the paper layers are 3D, I added shadows to create the paper's depth. I incorporated the stationery theme by adding a pencil, highlighter, ruler, and an eraser to the paper layers. Finally, I added the charity’s name and call to action.

A YouTube tutorial of the paper cut out effect was on my recommended page a couple days before this challenge started. When thinking of a third idea, I was quite stumped because I really like the “raining pencils and rulers” idea. However, as I thought about different stationary, paper came into mind and resulted in me remembering this video. I thought it would be a cool idea and really hone in the charity’s purpose: to make school supplies more accessible. With this in mind, I drew multiple wavy layers with stationary poking through. The Australia in the middle signals that the the charity is Australian based and led. I thought about how I should added the logo and call to action and after some thought, I decided I didn’t favour the chosen typography and opted instead with a more fluid Sans Serif font. 

The paper layers are unique and incorporates the charity as well as drawing attention.

The circled cities of Australia have no connection to the charity and is redundant.
Topic: The Persuasive Posters

Adobe Illustrator, 0.4 black fineliner and 120gsm paper

I adjusted this colour palette after the poster was digitally drawn and coloured in full render. To shift this poster to being black, white and only 1 colour, I selected the second-top layer and the pencil length to be orange. I kept the rest white except the pencil’s handle, the highlighter's handle, ruler and eraser cover to draw direct attention to the cause, call to action and concept.

When thinking about the techniques to use for this poster, I immediately thought of Adobe Illustrator because that’s what the YouTube video used. Originally, I had done this poster completely by hand with only the pencil and ruler in a diagonal position. However, after feedback, I redid the poster with hand-drawn stationery and I manipulated the typography to align with the paper's waves. When adding colour, I first created the full colour poster and then the black+white+one colour version second. This was because I needed to decide what single colour would best suit the cause. I selected yellow for 2 reasons: one being that the top paper layer overlaps the bottom so would need its colour to separate these layers, and two being that it psychologically symbolises joy, warmth and boosts your memory, all things that would benefit the charity. I kept the rest white as the shadows show the depth and different layers. The black detailing of the stationery and the text stand out and is easy to read from afar. This makes it easier for the user to understand the context of the persuasive poster. 

Black detailing makes it stand out to viewers.

Without the paper layer’s colours, it is difficult to see some layer edges as it is white on white. This is typically seen in the area surrounding the highlighter. 
Topic: The Persuasive Posters
Rainbow Paper

Adobe Illustrator, 0.4 fine liner and 120gsm paper

For the first version~
Following the YouTube tutorial and my sketched plan, I first created the paper layers in random colours. These were to be changed at a later stage. After realising that 5 layers - like in the plan - was too crowded, I deleted the second top layer and instantly liked it better. To make the paper layers 3D and create depth, I added drop shadows as per the tutorial. I then found and downloaded the font, Miyabon, and added the charity’s name and call to action in the centre of the paper cutouts. I then decided on a colour scheme before adding the pencil/ruler. This was done because the random colours selected previously were not pleasing to the eye and had to be fixed immediately. A pastel rainbow was chosen as this attracts young children and is still aesthetically lovely. In a separate and new page, I drew up digitally a pencil and ruler from memory. When I added them into the poster and adjusted the size and angle, I changed the colours to match the corresponding layer to make it seem like the paper layer includes a cut-out of the stationery. 
For the second version~
To make the poster look more authentic and handrawn, I repeated the steps - this time with 5 layers as they were quote thin and the added elements makes the poster interesting - but I hand drew the stationery, scanned them, added them to the Illustrator file, adjust size and angle and kept these white to draw attention to them. For the text, I chose a handwritten style typography and changed them to objects, expanded them and used the Direct Selection Tool to manipulate them to the curves of the paper. 

Following the YouTube tutorial, I initially created a red and orange version of what is the final. However, the audience of said poster was young children and their parents and this sleek and modern red version was not fun or approachable by young children. I played aroud the colours and created a more muted pastel colour scheme. Despite my family members preferring this version, I decided that the pastel colours are more soft and child-like. With the typography, I chose, "Amatic SC" because it looks hand drawn: reminding me of school and stationery. At first, I simplified the poster to only including a pencil and ruler, but it looked plain and empty. In the end, I am really happy with the changes and the extra effort was definitely worth it!

The way the handwritten-style typography curves around the paper makes it interesting and attracts the target audience: young children and their parents.

The Australia in the middle fades into the background and should be coloured to make it pop.
Previous Posters (not final)
Topic: Persuasive Poster
Weekly Reflection

This week, I was tasked to create a poster that aligns with something I am active about. I though about all the things I believed in and in the end I thought about a stationery charity that students can donate their old or unused stationery to those in need, called "Stationery Aid". I really liked the process I went through this week. Coming up with 3 ideas were really fun and I am really happy with the final posters, especially the typography. 

I learnt this week that getting feedback is very important as any 'final idea' can be improved. By gaining the insights of those outside of myself, I used their different perspectives and advice into creating a poster that was more eye-catching, thought provoking and aesthetic. 

I will use this insight in the future, as in the Double Diamond process there is a feedback step. This is where I can further test our ideas to see that works and what needs improvement. Additionally, I learnt that having feedback throughout the process of designing is helpful as well. Working with others grants me different point of views and skills sets that I would be limited to if I worked by myself. I will incorporate this in the future to better myself as well as my designs. ​​​​​​​
Stationery Aid Persuasive Poster

Stationery Aid Persuasive Poster
