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Homeless animals

With the beginning war in Ukraine 2022 many things were left. Many people had to leave their things, homes, unfortunately their pets as well. So many animals were left in flats and houses, lots of them were left outside and got lost. Luckily some of them were given away to shelters , therefore I want to share some of them.
People who need to go abroad and don't have the opportunity to take your pets with you and have no one to care about your animal. People  with pets who need some help you can get an online consultation from a veterinarian for any reason, find open pet stores, as well as get information about moving, housing and shelter. All information is given below.

Everyone who has a desire to gelp animals in Ukraine just read the info below .
Ті люди, яким треба виїхати за кордон і які не мають можливості взяти з собою домашніх тварин і не мають нікого, хто має можливість  подбати про вашу тварину. Люди з домашніми тваринами, які потребують допомоги, можуть отримати онлайн-консультацію ветеринара з будь-якої причини, знайти відкриті зоомагазини, а також отримати інформацію про переїзд, житло та притулок. Вся інформація наведена нижче. 

Кожен, хто має бажання, може допомогти українським тваринам, читайте інформацію нижче.

Anyone can help Ukrainian animals in trouble through this Facebook page. It publishes requests for help to animals or shelters (for example, if you need food, shelter, medicine or transportation) and other messages. Information is duplicated in English so that foreign philanthropists can join.

The Ukrainian organization for the protection of animals during the Russian-Ukrainian war helps with information (posts useful messages) and raises funds to help animals in Ukraine. On their Facebook and Instagram , they publish information on how to help abandoned pets.

In this Ukrainian chat, you can get an online consultation from a veterinarian for any reason, find open pet stores, as well as get information about moving, housing and shelter. Also in the chat, the owners of animals who went abroad with them share their personal experiences.

This is a dog rescue organization in Kyiv that is working hard to help spread the word about help. They began an active rescue of abandoned animals. Dogs Adopt Kyiv also cooperate with other shelters that have the opportunity to accept new animals.

An online map was also created with international locations where Ukrainian refugees with animals can find shelter, shelter and assistance.

Thank you for attention

Homeless animals

Homeless animals
