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Crawly Buddies - Sustainable Design Process

“Pest” ecosystem at home
Our homes are teeming with a variety of life forms other than humans. Besides microorganisms
there is an entire ecosystem of creatures characterised as “pests” since humans mostly consider
them a nuisance. Pest control which is a long and expensive process has become a norm and requires use of harmful chemicals as well as activities like drilling at times which are a great inconvenience. We also end up using various products like repellents, bug sprays, traps etc. Though some pests do bring in health concerns, some like lizards, spiders etc are also beneficial for our homes since they feed on others like mosquitoes and cockroaches keeping their population in control. Many of us also have an inherent disgust which doesn’t seem to have a logical explanation. While some of us have tried to overcome this fear or disgust of “creepy crawlies” we end up exterminating even harmless ones.

Pandemic has enabled many of us to realize that our homes are living abode of many of these “pests” as well. Pests and humans are not completely independent of each other and incessant use of pesticides are not only polluting the environment but also disturbing the ecological balance. Though certain pest control measures are warranted in some situations, based on some
personal interviews and interactions it was found that in many households, fear or disgust is a major catalyst for pest control actions specially the ones resorting to killing of pests. 

Creatures like house lizards are a classic example of this. Though they have been residing for so long in our homes that they were named after it, even as adults many of us have negative emotions towards them. While they are not a serious health concern and rather help us get rid of other insects like roaches or mosquitoes we end up despising them probably due to their form or preconceived notions of aesthetics ingrained in us as kids.
Design Brief
Sensitisation to the value of pest ecosystem at home during pandemic by :
- Creating interactive ways/objects to influence the perception of “pests”
- Make it suitable for both kids and adults
- Use readily available waste generated by house
- Ensure easy and low cost maintenance
- Generate livelihood opportunities
Ideation / Visualisation
Newspaper is used for rough prototypes. This helped in understanding what dimensions and forms are suitable in terms of ergonomics as well as defining features which might trigger positive emotional responses like nurturing or compassion. Features like big eyes and round forms were found to enable such responses.
Final Product
The purpose is to encourage people to engage and play with these objects which resemble
household pests. These interactions may influence their previous aversions towards such creatures and could also create a compassionate bond. This could result in a more positive attitude towards such creatures in real life scenario by helping them overcome fear or disgust thereby preventing
incessant or unnecessary killing of such life forms and preventing the use of harmful pesticides.  Further such objects could also act as companions and help with anxiety or feeling of loneliness  during the pandemic.

Crawly Buddies - Sustainable Design Process

Crawly Buddies - Sustainable Design Process
