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News Based Artwork 2022

It is your choice whether you want to live a life of prosperity and happiness or you want to dig a hole for yourself.

Marriage is a pure subconscious union b/w a male and a female. The children born to such females are recognized as legitimate offspring of both parents.

Marriages bind male, female, and their children and create a better FAMILY - "THE SMALLEST FUNCTIONAL UNIT" in any society. As a result, creates a better "functioning society".
There are not only socio-cultural but also many biological and spiritual reasons for marriage to occur. It does provide solutions to problems found in all kinds of society. So most societies say - marriage maintains the mental and social ORDER. Maybe that's why it is universal.

Most of the present generation's demands and desires of casual sex, one-night stands, Live-in relationship, fling, and sexual explorations -creates DISORDER and general CHAOS in society which leads to outcomes like
- depression,
- prolonged sadness,
- suicides,
- crimes,
- weaken mother-child bonds-->child having no values,
-socialization process of children is hampered
- illegitimate children with terrible life,
- clashes with the older generation on the issue of children,
- weaken kinship bonds
- single parenthood in which children are devoid of one parent and they usually turn out to be mentally disturbed individuals
- Low fertility rates

Altogether create more havoc in society.

So, anyone who questions the sanctity of any marriage should come up with solutions that continue to maintain social order in society.
Don't let your desires and impotency to handle responsibilities cause disruption the in society.
If you follow your Seven vows, pati dharma, Patni dharma, and all the responsibility of grihastha ashram. There will be no conflicts and life would be easy. Rules are created to make your life easier. They are no restrictions or barriers in your free life.
Even though marriage comes with obligations. People always desire marriage in the end. Even those who opposed it in their younger days desired it later. Even after going through a divorce or many relationships people still crave marriage.
Because they all know the benefits of marriage are more than obligations and the stability you get in life is the cherry on top.
News Based Artwork 2022

News Based Artwork 2022
