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Why Students are Thriving during Remote Learning

5 Reasons Why Students are Thriving during Remote Learning
The last three to four years have dramatically changed the everyday life of people. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people had to adapt to the remote working model. Before 2019, a lot of things were being done and conducted in person but that changed after CVOID-19 came into the picture.

An important aspect of people’s daily life that has gone through significant changes was education. When the governments of countries all over the world decided to shut down schools, teachers, parents and children were left wondering how things are going to work out from now on. 

In the midst of the pandemic, remote learning came to the rescue and people adopted online learning as their first choice of getting educated. Although after almost two and a half years some of the students are now returning back to school and attending physical classes, teachers and parents have understood the benefits and importance of remote learning during the period of the COVID-19 outbreak.

In this article, we will discuss the inherent benefits of remote learning and online virtual school that we came across during the experimental phase (when COVID-19 was at its peak).

More control over your entire learning process

Through the remote learning process, you can have more control over your entire learning process in comparison to the traditional learning method where educators are always in charge of what you are studying and learning. Moreover, you can get access to the study materials without needing to commute or be present in person.

Traditional learning is also very much reliant upon one specific location which is not the case if you opt for online learning. You can also enjoy the whole learning process when as a student your engagement, interest and motivation are at their best. Online learning can provide personalised and quality education to students.

Advantage of convenience

Accessibility or convenience of students (and their parents) is a major factor nowadays.  Moreover, the concept of convenience is beyond physical location. With the help of remote learning, students these days can learn at any given time and situation regardless of their current physical location. 

This is a particular remote learning benefit that was not at all available before. In case a student is differently-abled or asymptomatic, remote learning can give them better scope and accessibility. If a student is visually impaired or has a hearing impairment, then he or she can also get equal access to education.

Students can learn and study at their own speed

Although the traditional education system works in an average manner, it lacks a lot when it comes to developing and reaching out to individual students. Not to mention, it cannot assess the true potential of each and every student.

In remote learning, students can study at their own speed and there is external pressure involved. They do not need to surf through another topic before finishing the previous one. A student keeps on pondering over a specific subject or chapter until he or she can get a complete grasp over it. Online virtual schools, such as 21K School, makes sure that their students have been able to understand what they are studying before they begin studying another topic or subject.

Flexibility of time

All of us must have heard that ‘time is of the essence’ and it is also true when it comes to education. Instead of choosing the traditional learning model, you can opt for online learning in order to attain a flexible schedule.

A lot of students appear from a comparatively weak socioeconomic background where he or she has to work in order to support and finance their own studies. With the help of remote learning, these students can continue working while studying at their own pace.

Remotely accessed resources

In a world where the rapid development of technology has made a lot of things digitally accessible, it is only fair that educational resources and study materials can also be accessed online. And, remote learning has made this possible. With remote learning, students do not need to be dependent on physical resources or study materials.

Moreover, the study materials can be regularly fact-checked and updated according to the new developments. You will receive the most accurate learning with the help of online learning all the time.

Nowadays, parents demand all the above-mentioned benefits while enrolling their children in classes but you will only receive the following benefits through online virtual school and remote learning. 21K School is one of the best online edtech platforms that can provide your children with the inherent benefits of remote learning. 

Notably, 21K school is the first online virtual school in the country that offers transparent educational services regardless of the student’s location. Students can remain at home and enjoy their online classes with the help of trained professional educators.
Why Students are Thriving during Remote Learning

Why Students are Thriving during Remote Learning
