Miami Tower
A Camelot-like tower at a Miami home, whose owner wanted to have painted to look like a tent on the inside and decorated with murals based upon the dream-like jungles of Rousseau.Since there were existing curtains with valance, what had to be done was continue the stripes on the ceiling to create a trompe d'oeil tent.The job was quite an ordeal since the ceiling has a rough texture not ideal for straight lines, and all dark stripes have three additional stripes within them. This means that I painted close to three hundred stripes. Many days looking up which really gave me a "pain in the neck ". The effort was compensated by the result. Absolutely great!For the murals I freely used part of Rousseau's painting and continued adding his stylized flowers all over, but took advantage of the opportunity to add some animals and birds of my own. Loved this project!
(below) Outer wall details
Murals, Miami Tower

Murals, Miami Tower

Images of a Miami tower project


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