Keepli app

Keepli is a free project that aims to create an experience around the shopping list.
Who makes the shopping list and why? How is a shopping list made nowadays? What does it take to make it? How often is it made? In order to answer all these questions, we questioned ourselves about the experience and its users.

Firstly, we did user research to understand the origin of the shopping list and its purpose. 

We continued by interviewing people who told us about its realization and use. Identifying the different types of profiles, we created 4 Personas, with whom we discovered and analyzed the typologies of lists and types of uses they made according to their lifestyles and needs.

With the synthesis of the Experience Map, we regroup all the information on the process of realization and its use of the 4 persons. This mapping allowed us to have a global vision of the whole experience from the user's point of view.  When they were able to make a list, how and in what way, the resources they had to do it and we did an analysis of all these elements. We came to the conclusion that the solution that best met the user's needs was a solution that was available all the time, at any time.

The answer materialized in Keepli, an application that allows, among many other features, to create and save a shopping list, edit it, and share it at any time with a mobile device. 

This application responds to the user's needs, the uses of people with different lifestyles, who need to manage their shopping lists intuitively and quickly at any time and place.


Keepli, Paris 2014



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