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Social Bookmarking: The Secret To Traffic

When you bookmark a webpage, you are essentially creating a link to that page. The link is then stored on a social bookmarking site, which acts like an online library of links. When someone else searches for the same thing that you bookmarked, your link may come up as a result.
The more people who click on your link, the higher your link will rank in search results. This can be a great way to get more traffic to your website or blog. In addition, social bookmarking can help improve your SEO by building up your backlinks.
If you’re not already using social bookmarking to improve your SEO, there’s no time like the present to start. Choose a few social bookmarking sites to get started, and be sure to bookmark your own website or blog as well.
Social Bookmarking: The Secret To Traffic

Social Bookmarking: The Secret To Traffic


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