Tori Dubray's profile

Keurig (Spec) | Beat the Morning

Target // Working middle class individuals with fast paced, busy lifestyles.
Insight // Traditional pot-brewed coffee takes too long in the morning when you are on the go or running late.
Strategy // Keurig brewing systems are a faster and easier way to get your morning started.
Big Idea // Take the nonsense out of your morning thanks to Keurig, the easiest way to jumpstart your day.

CW: Victoria Dubray
AD: Devin Hilgenkamp

Touch screen kiosks would be placed along public transit routes during the duration of the campaign. The kiosks would feature coffee-pouring themed games, all of which are timed to emphasize the speediness of the Keurig brewing systems.

The Scribbler // Scribble inside the mug to fill it before time runs out.
The first screen is the Keurig brew button flashing, prompting you to push it and start the game.
When the game begins, the cup splits in half so the user can see when the cup of coffee is filled, and the instructions for the game appear on the screen. Then, the countdown begins.
The cup of coffee will move around the screen, making the cup more difficult to fill and the game more interesting.
If the user doesn't fill the cup before time runs out, the kiosk will prompt them to try again.
If the cup is successfully filled, a congratulations will appear, along with a field to enter your email address to receive a discount on a Keurig Home Brewing System.
The Maze Master // Guide the coffee through the maze to fill your cup.
The Dripstamatic // Drag the mug from left to right to catch the stream of coffee.

The app contains all the games from the kiosks and more, including a listing of the local bus schedule, subway schedule, and a GPS feature to track the "K-Cab" (explained below). The games work on a point system where users can earn stars to receive a discount on a Keurig Home Brewing System. The listings of the local public transportation systems are provided to make your morning commute with public transit easier. 
The K-Cab can be tracked and hailed via the Beat the Morning app. It is a free taxi service that would be offered throughout the promotion in select cities, just one more way Keurig is helping to make your mornings faster and easier.
Keurig (Spec) | Beat the Morning

Keurig (Spec) | Beat the Morning

Because mornings suck, especially when you're in a rush.
