Designing the complete isometric layout in Illustrator and animating the layers in After Effects was incredibly enjoyable. Moreover, it served as an excellent project to demonstrate how new Vision AI technology can efficiently save time for people in real-world applications.
We crafted a product explainer video using photos and specifications as the foundation. Our goal was to maintain a minimalist aesthetic while also aligning with the brand's color scheme. The entire process, from conception to publication on a YouTube platform, was completed within a single day. This quick turnaround allowed users to access a concise overview of the product's specifications in an engaging format.
With Christmas approaching, we were unsure about boosting our social media engagement. We devised a strategy, filmed, and edited a video. The process was enjoyable, and the final product garnered positive engagement, making it a fun experience overall.

We filmed and edited this series of videos with the goal of completing the product shoots by the first quarter of 2024 while managing other tasks within the organization. The process of shooting and editing was thoroughly enjoyable.
May I recommend QPOS - Restaurant Management Solution YouTube channel to you? If you find my work interesting, or just want to know more of what
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Video Editing


Video Editing
