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14 Mukhi Rudraksha (Nepali)

14 Mukhi Rudraksha (Nepali)
The Rudraksha seed comes from the evergreen Elaeocarpus tree, which grows in the Gangetic plains and Himalayan foothills. In Hinduism, it is used to make garlands, which are believed to confer wealth and blessings on Hindu sages.

One of the best Rudraksha trees is that of Nepal, and that of the Dingla region is the best. There are several reasons for this, one being the climate. In tropical climates, Rudraksha generally do not grow well. In India, it is cultivated in Assam, Bihar, and Haridwar.

Those wearing 14 Mukhi Rudraksha beads gain success in their careers, whether they are businessmen, politicians, managers, housewives, teachers, or public administrators. When this energy is invoked with fourteen Mukhi, it signifies excellence. Wearing it allows you to realize your latent and potential.

Mars and Saturn are nullified by this bead.

Overall, it will help you achieve good luck.

Enhances and energizes the Ajna Chakra, improving intuition.

This enables you to make better and quicker decisions, which result in positive outcomes.

It helps to open your Guru Chakra/Ajna chakra when you wear a 14 Mukhi on your third eye during meditation.

The wearer is able to connect to the past, present, and future with this improved intuitive guidance.

During spiritual practices, it shields the wearer from negativity or disturbances.

The Original 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is considered to be the most valuable by those who wear it, and it is said to have been woven directly from the eyes of Lord Shiva. Rudraksha with fourteen Mukhi is called Deva Mani and it is a natural gem. It is said to represent Lord Hanuman and Lord Shiva.
14 Mukhi Rudraksha (Nepali)

14 Mukhi Rudraksha (Nepali)


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