ART230 Project 3
Font Poster for
Typography can be more than just something you read, it can be a an art like graphic design. This project we were asked to create a poster to demostrate typography art for a choosen font. It is to help advertise a font package sale from With using the design principle of hierarchy and good color contrast, it is simple to create a poster. Below is my process of brainstorming, sketching and execution process. I choose Klint font because I like the the clean and more modern style.

My process tends to be simple. I sketch out ideas on paper of just focusing on the font name and how to make it kind of like a logo. Afterwards I went through my sketches and selected or combined ideas and made my digital concepts. I needed to make sure a breif summary of history, the designer name and the different weights the font can be viewed. This is important because understand who and where this font came from helps credit the creator and maintains staying in the copyright laws. Below is my final design choice for Klint font. I used a mockup design that was created here on Behance sight bu PM (Poster Mockup). 
Being a designer with skills that range with grpahics and typograhy can really allow you to be versital. It offers flexibility, endless imagination and creativity can make you go deeper into your skills. Fonts are important investments as programs are. Typorgaphy helps set the mood of your concepts.
ART230 Project 3

ART230 Project 3
