imPRINT | Exhibition Design

Project Type                                                                        Year                                                  Collaboration
Exhibition Design                                                                2022                                                 Sankhya Gembali
                                                                                                                                                     Indrani Thool
                                                                                                                                                     Shalmali Kulkarni
                                                                                                                                                     Daniella Do Rego
What is imPRINT ?​​​​​​​
imPRINT is an experience house that brings customers interactive, one of a kind magazine exhibits. Named imPRINT, the brand aims to retain and make an impact in one's mind. The brand can be read as ‘imprint’ or  ‘I am print’ as an ode to the print industry.
Space Plan
The exhibition design is cylindrical, with a capacity to host a maximum of 6 exhibit areas. For further expansion, the space plan has the scope to incorporate adjoining cylinder units as well.
Binding Element Installation​​​​​​​
Why Exclamation: Placed as a central installation, the exclamation is used to draw attention or put emphasis on. And in the case of imPRINT it is the emphasis on  print culture.
This Months Exhibit Features
A multifaceted collection of magazines that includes Innovation, Climate Change, Confectionery & DIY.
Exhibit Area                                                        Featured Magazine                                                     Designer
Section A                                                            ignite                                                                            Sankhya Gembali
Outer View
Windows have been installed in the circular, multicolour brand element style. Viewers are encouraged to peak in and feel a gist of what they are about to experience
Exhibit Area                                                        Featured Magazine                                                        Designer
Section B                                                            CODE RED                                                                    Indrani Thool
We didn’t start the fire! Well if you didn’t and I didn’t then who did? This should not be the question. The fact that Earth’s on fire and we should extinguish it, should be our thought. 

Installation of an hanging globe with a fan taped with transparent orange sheets (to give the fire look). A simple yet impactful display of the Earth on Fire. ​​​​​​​

The idea behind the exhibit of magazine CODE RED is that it would evoke the desire to save our burning Earth. ​​​​​​​
Take a pledge - Extinguish the fire by taking a step towards an eco-friendly lifestyle. Act for the betterment of our planet. ​​​​​​​
Exhibit Area                                                        Featured Magazine                                                       Designer
Section D                                                           Create                                                                            Daniella Do Rego
An Interactive Approach
For the outside view paint is added between two live sized sealable plastic sheets and mounted to the wall. Users will be able to move the paint around without getting messy, creating a unique pattern every single time.
Thank You ....
imPRINT | Exhibition Design