EUTOPIA  riyadh-ksa​​​​​​​
Resorting to traditional vocabulary of ‘’ Najd’’ with perhaps a flare of contemporary elements, Module designers assisted in early design concepts for ‘’ Eutopia ‘’, and was also responsible for all ID works.
We first had concepts illustrated in a story- board series, where tradition vocabulary and customs .
Design elements were veiled somehow, identified in a multi-layered fashion; Giving visitor a chance to formulate his/her space consciousness at their own pace, and up to their liking in time. Tradition reading prevailed, and gave space its overall indigenous characters.

                                                                                conference center 
                                                                                               main restaurant
                                                                                                                                                                    room 15 shot 1
                                                                                             room 15 shot 2
                                                   Lower meeting room 
                                                                                                              upper meeting room new shot