Anderson Press-
The brief for this project was to Produce a minimum of 5 illustrations and a jacket design for a title of your choice from Andersen Press’s existing book list. You need to demonstrate a clear understanding of Andersen Press’s imprints and your target market, and the text you are responding to.  You also need to be aware of current and future trends in illustration and design in book publishing, market structure and industry standards of quality and professionalism.
DESIGNED: Becky Randell. Kate Slater
 Illustration, Creative
Magnus Magpie is a bird with an eye for burglary. He steals only the brightest, shiniest, most dazzling things and stashes them secretly in a hollow at the top of his tree. But do all these riches make him happy? It takes a trip to the moon for Magnus to discover that all that glitters is not gold and that true happiness can often be found at home. I love this book concept and design. I chose this book as my final choice because I think I could put my own spin on the designs.
This project was my first time making my own spin on a children’s book and I absolutely loved the whole process as well as the outcomes.
Anderson Press-


Anderson Press-


Creative Fields