Khutso Dithejane's profile

Art Collaboration Beer Can with Matawi Mead

The Legend of Matawi

Legend has it that in the beginning of time the Royal Order of Bees were guardians to
the secrets of the Crafted Honey Brew. The miraculous taste of ten thousand bees
working together to create magic! The secret beverage became popular far and wide. Rumoured to transform the lives of anyone with the pleasure of even a single taste of the royal brew.

As word spread of this magical drink, threats to steal the secret recipe became
imminent. The Queen Bee pronounced that her most trusted Commander Bee is to find a new home to preserve the secret recipe. After years of searching far and wide, the
Royal Guard is proud to announce that the Crafted Honey Brew recipe is now safe.
Entrusted to Matawi Mead: the most skilful alchemists, ready to continue the magic.
We present to you a masterful blend of mead, unfiltered pale ale, golden honey and years of brewing artistry.

Get ready to have your life transformed by our most esteemed Braggot Crafted honey Brew. Crack open a can, sit down, relax and let your taste buds be transported to a time before ours.
Art collaboration beer can with Matawi Mead for Autism Western Cape's annual Artists on a Spectrum First Thursday Event.

An event created to accept the extraordinary, celebrate inclusion and enhance neurodiversity

(Not for Sale)
Artist & Graphic Designer: Khutso Dithejane
Dube Brothers Initiative
Powered by Matawi
Models: Thato Nong & Tebogo Nong
Art Collaboration Beer Can with Matawi Mead

Art Collaboration Beer Can with Matawi Mead
