"Time casts a spell on you, and you won't forget me"  ~ Stevie Nicks

This is my first ever creative collage, inspired by the the 1977 hit by Fleetwood Mac, Silver Springs for a college assignment. The assignment was to design a creative collage with visuals that represent the emotions a favourite song rouses in you. 

For me, Silver Springs is a melody of nostalgia, transformation, long journeys in life and the frustration of leaving behind the good times. 
I have tried to incorporate the principle of balance extensively in this collage. The individual pictures were edited on Photoshop in terms of their contrast, temperature, colour balance, and by adding a touch of burn here and there.
Credits: I do not own any of the visuals used in the collage.
* Greek Theater Mask Angry - Lexa Marchand, Artstation
* Vintage wall clock - Alitools.com
* Pigeon wing - iStock photos
* Negative reels - Warehouse.com
* Stevie Nicks - Photos.com by Getty Images
Creative Collage

Creative Collage


Creative Fields