Activity 1
Social Media and Me
Reflection on Social Media and Me
Social Media is an easy way to stay connected to friends and family anywhere in the world. A lot of people, usually young people, are often uneducated on how to safely, and responsibly, use it. Teens need to be informed on digital citizenship before they log on to social media websites. One of the major issues teens will face is cyber bullying. People tend to be a lot more malicious over a computer screen or when there’s anonymity. Teens also need to know that when you put a picture up, it’s no longer yours in most cases. Social media sites like Facebook have a privacy policy that little people read, which gives them the rights and ownership to the information that you put up. A lot of people don’t think about the consequences of their actions which can lead to them posting rude things about others. This can cause people to feel depressed from the rude comments, or can get them fired from their workplace. A lot of teens are not educated on online safety and digital citizenship because they are the first in their families to use it in a lot of cases. Only now are schools taking it upon themselves to educate the students to avoid people learning just what can happen the hard way.
Activity 2
Word Clouds
Activity 3 
Distorted Reality
This picture is altered because her face and body are modified. Her smile, lines, and skin tone are all changed, her arms are skinnier and collarbones are less pronounced.
Her weight is altered so she is slimmer and more appealing to the viewers.
The lighting is altered and is used to make him look more menacing and guilty.
Her head is put onto another models body so she looks better.
Glasses were taken away and made the board she was holding clean.
Smoke was made darker and cloned to make it look like the bombing strikes were much worse.
Image of turtle mixed with the texture of cantaloupe skin.
Image of a frog has the same color and texture of a strawberry
Activity 4
Screencasts and Screen Shots of DIstorted Reality
Activity 5
The Lens
Shutter speed is the speed at which the shutter allows light into the photo. 
The hole that the light travels through for the photo. 
Depth of field is the distance between the objects in a photo and the sharpness of the objects. 
F-Stop is the ratio of an optical system is the ratio of the lens's focal length to the diameter of the entrance pupil. 
An ISO image is an archive file of an optical disc 
Exposure is the quantity of light reaching the film, it is determined by shutter speed and aperture. 
Lens are used to refract and project light onto the film and for focusing the shots. 
A digital sensor is an electronic or electrochemical sensor, where data conversion and data transmission are done digitally. 
Memory cards are used to store photos and videos. 
USB Connections connecting the camera to a computer by means of a USB cable. 
Photo transferring is connection a camera to a device to share the photos. 
Camera modes can be selected depending on the situation and the skill level of the user. 
Photo stitching is the process of piecing together multiple images into different layers. 
Memory card formatting is the format of the information on the memory depending on user.
Activity 6 
Depth of Field
Activity 8
Shots and Angles
Activity 9
Gradient Maps
Rich Activity
Photo Essay
Winnipeg Weather 
Little ol Randy wants to go outside. He checks the weather and what do you know it's nice out! He gets all suns out guns out for the weather and races outside only to find its freezing. Sad, Randy heads back and changes into warmer clothes. He lumbers back outside only to be almost melted by the sun. Randy, defeated by the new bad weather forecast, decides to play games instead. Winnipeg's weather sucks. 
Unit 1