Chelsea Thomson's profile

ART230 Glyph Design

 ART230 Project 01
Creative Glyph Composition
Letter / Glyph Design using
San-Serif     VS    Serif 
Neue Haas Grotesk Bold    /    Stemple Garamond 
      The project is to take a typeface of letters and apply the design principles. The purpose of this project is to practice using Adobe Illustrator and apply our knowledge of what we have learned about typefaces and create a design. We are able to use only letters (numbers) and no other colors but black and white. This helps display contrast but also sets the tone of our message. Fonts often are viewed as a accent for designs or to just display words of what the image is about. They do much more with setting the tone as well. Here you will see the differences of how fonts can display a tone like images do. 
L - Sans Serf typeface using Assymetrical and Scaled design princicples.
R - Serif typeface with focal principle on the K and heriarchy with smaller scaled letters.
ART230 Glyph Design

ART230 Glyph Design
