Women parental
Pain points in parents’ interactions with newborn screening systems: a qualitative study
In this project I followed a UX design process is an iterative step-by-step methodology, UX Team use to complete projects.


Project Definition & Scope

The first phase of a UX design process we defined the project goal and scope with team members and stakeholders from multiple departments–usually consisting of representatives from:
This early design phase aims to identify a problem the new product or feature must solve. The product team will also outline the project’s scope, plan, deliverables, and delivery date.

Understanding the Problem

Once the design team has the project’s goal and scope, they must define the problem from a user’s perspective. Designers use various UX tools to empathize with users to understand the problem. Some of the tools UX designers use during this phase include:

User Personas: A representation of a customer group with similar demographics
User Journey Maps:  A step-by-step visualization of a user’s problem and how they might use a digital product to solve it
Empathy Maps: A methodology for representing a user’s feelings and emotions as they encounter pain points while trying to complete tasks

UX Research

Competitive research: A competitive analysis to understand how competitors solve similar problems and identify opportunities


With a clear understanding of our users, market, and competitive landscape, we can start the ideation phase. As a designer I use paper and pen during early ideation to iterate on many ideas fast.

Our team also use a design sprint to solve a specific problem fast.

low-fidelity techniques I use:

Sketching: Hand-drawn sketches of user interfaces
Paper prototype: Paper versions of a prototype
Wireframing: Digital versions of paper prototypes featuring basic lines and shapes
Low-fidelity prototypes: Digital prototypes using wireframes to  test user flows and information architecture 
Women parental


Women parental
