Godfrey Coffee Brewer is a redesigned Moka Pot which combines industrial design with traditional mechanics. Enhancing the experience of the coffee brewing process, in both form and function.

The Moka pot is a stove-top coffee maker which brews coffee by passing hot water through ground coffee, using steam to pressurise the water
How it works:
Heating the water in the lower chamber causes pressure to build, allowing the water to rise as the pressure from the steam pushes the water down and up through the funnel. The hot water, forced through the funnel filter, passes through the coffee grounds, producing coffee within the upper chamber.
-Reduces spills and drips Spout designed to reduce spills and drips whilst pouring. 
-Enhanced usability Portafilter twist lock feature enhances the experience, through the function of opening and closing the filter chamber. 
-Convenient handling Handle and lid are designed ergonomically, allowing a comfortable grip and easy open action, reducing touch points throughout the brewing process. 
-Diverse hob usage The use of 304 and 432 stainless steel allows for the coffee brewer to be used on all types of hobs. 
-Easy clean The materials used allow for a easy clean without the need for harsh chemicals. 
-Form Influenced by traditional industrial design and modern trends, resulting in an aesthetically pleasing coffee brewer for the domestic use.
Godfrey Coffee Brewer

Godfrey Coffee Brewer
