Jeffrey Choy's profile

Umbrella Uprising

An art project created by a team of London-based art lovers and activists. It aims to preserve and record artworks created throughout the Hong Kong Protests which started in June 2019. The project was funded by supporters at Kickstarter and from continues support by book sales.
We have created the book to record this historical period through showcasing numerous artworks. By following and supporting the project, you’ll allow us to continue to record those events before they are lost to government censorship and misinterpretation / distortion of facts.

A Hongkong, la bataille mémorielle du mouvement pro-démocratie
(In Hong Kong, the memorial battle of the pro-democracy movement)
- Anne-Sophie Labadie, Libération
- Su Xinqi APF, South China Morning Post
(Hong Kong dissident writers' editors tempted to take refuge in Taiwan)
- Franceinfo Culture
- Hong Kong Free Press
- 立場新聞 Stand News
(Summer without a book fair: Hong Kong book industry that survives under the attack of the epidemic and the national security law)
- 沈如瑩 Ring Shen / 閱讀誌 Openbook
國安法壟罩下 香港出版業風聲鶴唳
(Hong Kong's publishing industry under the domination of the National Security Law)
- 曾惠敏 Zeng Huimin, 公視新聞網PNN
Umbrella Uprising

Umbrella Uprising
