The Legend
Current Version:
About the project:
I have always loved Bigfoot and loved creating art with him in it. Since I was kid in grade school, I would often draw Bigfoot and incorporate him into different designs and images. when I started dabbling in Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe Illustrator in high school, I kicked around a few designs and ideas for some Bigfoot style stickers and posters. This is one of the later designs.

It is meant be a sticker or t-shirt design instead of an actual poster. As with most of my designs, it has gone through a few iterations over the years. I have applied different effects and texturing to it as well as touched up the coloring. I was never really satisfied with the other versions and decided that in this instance, less detail was better. The other iterations that I added other effects and textures too became to busy. So I pealed back the design and decided to stick with bold solid colors and line work. I still feel like its missing something, but for the time being, I have to say its completed.

Original Image:
I originally drew this somewhere between 2000 and 2006 in grade school/high school. I still have it stashed away in one of my old sketch books. All of my "Bigfoot" designs stemmed from this drawing I did all those years ago.
The Legend

The Legend
