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Current Events Poster: Melting Arctic

Arctic Melting
Global Warming Poster
An Event Poster is based off of a current event that is important and needs to be made understood to the public.

This Event Poster is based on climate change in the arctic, where the icebergs are melting and animals such as polar bears are losing their homes and their food sources. Off in the distance are larger icebergs, yet this cub is stranded on a broken piece of ice.

Individual Steps
Step one, the water base and sky  were laid out.
Step two, while using a specific brush that made the appearance to be waves, colors were slowly built up on top in necessary areas in the case to not lose the effect of water.
Step three, the iceberg began with a white base and shapes, slowly adding more dimension with soft shadows. The shapes were smoothed down to add a more realistic touch, as well making it “melt”.
Step four, details / texture were used on the ice bergs to stiffen the softness, fluffy clouds were used sparingly, and very faint mountains with soft texture were drawn in the background.
Lastly, a polar bear cub was first sketched in before building up the colors and shades just like the ice bergs, only then bringing in the texture for fur. The eyes were left a little white to resemble sadness.

TOOLS: Adobe Photoshop
Current Events Poster: Melting Arctic

Current Events Poster: Melting Arctic


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