Logo for Alios Seafood NY
“Alios” Seafood Corp. is a New York based seafood importer and distributor of fish from the Greek seas.
Fish and seafood are among the most traded commodities worldwide making the world sea the seventh strongest economy in the world if it was a country.
“Alios” in Greek means water originated. Plato the philosopher however, defined “Alios” as one that brings truth in matters where individual characteristics & particularities are hardly distinguishable.
Alios” Seafood Corp. pledges to shed light on the opaque and often misunderstood industry of fishing and aquaculture, collaborating exclusively with fisherman, sea-farmers and retailers that share a common respect for the oceans, their communities and the knowledge of the public. Aiming to bring the most ethical, nutritious and tasty seafood to your table.

For the logo we used a typically Greek font that is used in children’s spelling and reading school books in order to give a simple but caring visual tone to the logo. This combination signs perfectly the “Alios” philosophy. Letter “α” (a) is also used as a fish symbol and it’s stands for α-lpha quality.
Alios Seafood NY logo

Alios Seafood NY logo


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