Maggie Kerrins's profile

Social Media Graphic

Social Media Graphic
This focus of this project was to create a graphic of a quote for social media. I chose a lyric from Billy Joel’s song Vienna that states “you can get what you want or you can just get old.” Due to the nature of this line and the chosen social media platform, (Instagram), I believe it is best suited for a younger audience of people aged 18-30 years old. Due to these established aspects of the project, bright colors were selected to market to this audience in the most fun and effective manner possible.
The iterations above show the process from the initial design to the final: changing colors, introducing the gradient effect, etc. Before reaching this step of color selections/combinations, I developed several iterations of layout ideas and font combinations before reaching the selected version. A few examples of these ideas can be seen below.
The final design uses the darker blue background, as it causes the white and pink text to pop the most. It cites the author of the quote in a lighter tint of the background color in a subtle yet visible way. An example of what the final design would look like when actually posted on the social media platform Instagram can be viewed below.
Social Media Graphic

Social Media Graphic


Creative Fields