CF Napa Brand Design's profile

Smooth Ambler Website Design & Programming

CF Napa Creates Sleek Website for Smooth Ambler
Smooth Ambler came to CF Napa to revamp their website for their family of whiskies. Most of their website traffic is from mobile devices, so it was imperative that the site was user-friendly on smaller screen sizes. Along with being mobile-focused, the new site needed to move toward a minimalist look.
CF Napa took a mobile-first approach to the redesign, utilizing a simplified, collapsible menu. The navigation was mirrored on the image-driven home page, giving the users multiple ways to explore the site.
The Whiskies page offers multiple ways to easily find and purchase a whiskey and encourages the viewer to learn more about the multiple Smooth Ambler brands.
Each whiskey was given its own product page, which displays information simply and includes downloadable PDFs, useful for the Smooth Ambler sales team, consumers, and retailers.
The sleek new interface simplifies the path to purchase, marries their merch store with their main site, and provides clear differentiation between each whiskey family.
Drink With Your Eyes®
Smooth Ambler Website Design & Programming

Smooth Ambler Website Design & Programming
