My Entry for  Deviant art Diablo 3 Fan art Contest . Due to lack of time i haven't finished it the way i want it to look like. but i still looking forward to finish this and complete the two remaining main characters. 
An unstoppable force of righteous destruction who channels the power of divine wrath to visit retribution upon his demonic quarry.
A vengeful master of ranged weaponry and shadow manipulation who uses elusive skills to stalk demons.
A stoic warrior who uses tremendous physical strength to crush foes.
A manipulator of the forces of life and death, who wields the power of nature in unsettling ways.
A holy warrior who attacks faster than the eye can follow, disabling enemies with precision blows.
Diablo 3 Fan Art Contest


Diablo 3 Fan Art Contest

My Entry for Deviant Art Diablo Fan art Competition 2014
