What is the campaign about? 

The campaign is centered around responsibly disposing of waste. The way we dispose of our waste can affect both people and animals around us. 

Why is this issue important?
We are humans living in a very fast time. We consume and also waste a lot. This waste can be put to good use to create a meaningful thing. But without proper disposal of the waste, it is hard for them to be recycled, and as such, it can also cause harm to us and another living things. Teaching proper the importance of proper waste disposal methods and showing them the harmful effect of something as simple as dropping an empty can of coke or nylon on the ground, will change their behavior and make them take more responsibility for their surroundings.

I hope that this Ad will help people to see the harmful effect of wrongfully disposing of waste, and as such make a change to properly dispose of their waste. I also hope that it will make people become advocates by teaching others around them. 

Which other Organizations are solving this issue?
US environmental protection agency
Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA)
Waste Management Society of Nigeria (WAMASON)


