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ART 455/555: Design Decades Poster

Kristen Impicciche          -          ART 455: History of Graphic Design
1930's Decades Poster

November 10th - November 19th
The Project Statement:
Each student was randomly assigned a decade in the 1900's and I was assigned the 1930's. I had to choose four instances in history to discuss and then show six kinds of design outcomes. This allowed me to examine the history of one decade and the design at the same time.

Target Audience:
The target audience for this poster was to present this educational information for my classmates to present to show my research and design as well as for myself.

I started with researching 1930's color palettes and typography and ended with an Art Deco inspired style. I did plenty of research of each historical event and each design outcome individually.

Design Process:
The process included creating a master style overall for the poster with paragraphical styles and colors. I designed space for the headline, each event row, and column as well as the footer. The process was more content and information based than design orientated. 

Design Solution:
My final design output included a single poster that effectively states the history during a single decade as well as different design outcomes throughout cause by those events.
ART 455/555: Design Decades Poster

ART 455/555: Design Decades Poster
