Evelien Spoelstra's profile

Ugly duckling college animation project.

Ugly duckling inspired college animation project
For a college project we had to make a fairytale inspired childrensbook or animation. Our team decided to use the ugly duckling tale as inspiration. We made an animation about a little duckling being bullied by its siblings. It runs away but gets scared and finds help from other ducks to get home.

For this project we mainly used photoshop for the backgrounds, adobe illustrator to make the assets and after effects to animate it all. This project was a big learning curve as this was our first time working with after effects.
"If you use basic shapes its easier to make the mandrin duck." Tip from me to a teammate before we switched and she made the ducklings and I the mandrin ducks.
All teammembers made at least two to three scenes. I made the scene where the duckling meets the mandrin ducks, reunites with its family and doesn't get left behind anymore. I also made the credits, did the sound editing and the assets for the adult ducks.
We sadly couldn't do any voices as we were hitting the deadline and also had to use limited sound effects because of it.
Ugly duckling college animation project.

Ugly duckling college animation project.
