In designing the visual, I started from the filigree, forged text of the author Xenia and went from complex to simple. The text is related to white, light, time and blindness (fire, destruction, loss, feminine). The main characters, confused between themselves and the viewer, find themselves in a vacuum, through the sterile whiteness of which neither light nor time can penetrate. But this confusion makes you indifferent, not scary, because "you can then read on the Internet", "view in photos". Doesn't it remind of the attitude of modern Belarusians to heritage sites, when memory is washed away, sometimes even completely, and only relative images remain.
Simple form, simple symbol and an infinite number of interpretations. And artistic tricks. Under certain lighting, the cube can look like a book, because the top edge merges with the background, and it's not easy. Pomegranate is the main fruit of Jewish culture, buried in the bas-reliefs of the Grodno Choral Synagogue, the seeds of which are listed in the Torah commandments. Its juice resembles, in the most tense moments, reminiscent of blood, grains, eggs, skin, scalp.
The final chord, the sound of Shma Israel- the last that speaks of dying, dissolves the viewer in white, light, gives us the opportunity to spy on what is next, with squinted eyes to try to see the eyes of God. But the obsession shown in “Veshy” teleports us back to the beginning, opening our eyes and into a world of endless questions.
Audio-visual installation “Extermination” presented in Belarussian house in Vilnius, art-space “Vershy” (Ў gallery in past), progressive synagogue in Minsk, including public discussion.




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