Cake House | Branding

Cake house is a cake bakery store specialized in making and creating the most delicious and detailed cakes with cherries and offers a range of products like cupcakes, cookies, brownies,  cheesecakes, etc. Their goal is to bring happiness and joy to many people by making the most tasteful appetizing cake.

I created the identity to reflect a sense of delicious and luxurious bakery give the customer an experience of the products to make it feel like they eat a piece of art. Consequently, I chose to represent that by using thin shapes, icons, gold and pink colors that express tranquility and french sensation to the brand.

Logo mark
The idea of the logo is simple. It combines a traditional stone-oven icon, cake, and cherry for their main flavor in the shop.

Color meaning
To resamples the French luxury, I chose to use pink and gold.
The pink color is from the wine, which everyone imagens when thinking about franch and the cheery from their main ingredient in the shop.
The gold color for elegance and indulgence helps maintain the brand's image that is needed.

3D modeling
I designed the packaging and label based on the brand purpose with 3D design program (cinema 4D) to  generates a different type of package design that is different than the usual type for brands trend, it was designed with a modern image to fit this brand concept. 

Cake House


Cake House
