Researching the market
I have never designed an audiobook product before which is why I started reading about this market to understand what I am designing for and how we can benefit from the market.
- Deloitte points out that it doesn't appear that the growth in audiobook sales is at the expense of printed books.

- Audiobook listeners tend to be younger – in their 20s and 30s on average.

- Audiobooks could be reaching people who had previously eschewed books.

- Being read to is a really intimate thing: a human connection at a time when a lot of people are feeling isolated.

- “I loved both in print and in the superb audiobook” Article author.

- Audiobooks and podcasting are the fastest-growing audio segments on mobile.

- People feel guilty of listening to audiobooks(Because you can’t go back and reread something, you’re much more likely to do a better job of trying to extract the gist of what someone meant when you’re hearing them than when you’re reading”
Some users love listening to music and reading books.

- Users think of audiobooks to be similar to music when they should be analogous to books.

- Users face language and accent issues while listening to audiobooks leading to a sense of discomfort.

- Navigation through an audiobook is a huge pain point, especially when you’re trying to write a book review using them. Also, users cannot highlight excerpts or take notes from audiobooks. It becomes impossible to visit important extracts of the book later.

- The audiobook's main interface is like a music player.
The Challenge
Design an Audiobook mobile app that is highly personal, highly interactive, and with the ability to bring even more utility to the user than a book ever could.
The Current App Problems
No onboarding experience
Violated Heuristic: Help and documentation.
Description: An onboarding experience is a way to introduce users to a new product, app, or feature.
Severity Scale: 3
Recommendation: Design onboarding experience.

The app language is only Arabic
Violated Heuristic: User control and freedom.
Description: I didn't know how to change the app Language then I found there’s no option to change app language to English.
Severity Scale: 3
Recommendation: Let the user decide the app language.

Two things, Same functionality
Violated Heuristic: Consistency and standards.
Description: Two things do the same functionality inside the tab bar.
Severity Scale: 4
Recommendation: The centered button should play something from the downloaded audio or remove it.

The subscription
Violated Heuristic: Aesthetic and minimalist design.
Description: The subscription screen has two plans and the same features the only difference between them is annually or monthly payment, and it didn't encourage me to subscribe.
Severity Scale: 5
Recommendation: We should make the plans clear and encourage the users to subscribe.

The fav button
Violated Heuristic: Flexibility and efficiency of use.
Description: The fav button for a specific book isn’t easy to find.
Severity Scale: 3
Recommendation: We should make the fav button clear to the user to let him add his favorite books.

Book details
Violated Heuristic: Recognition rather than recall.
Description: The book description missing info.
Severity Scale: 2
Recommendation: We should add to the book info details like Book Language and Genre and pages number if we are gonna add the reading feature.

The book author (Book screen)
Violated Heuristic: Recognition rather than recall.
Description: The book author isn’t highlighted enough to the user inside the book details.
Severity Scale: 3
Recommendation: The book author should be more highlighted to the user.

Book author profile
Violated Heuristic: Recognition rather than recall.
Description: The book author profile shows only the author's books.
Severity Scale: 3
Recommendation: We need to give a user brief about the author.

Dark mood
Violated Heuristic: User control and freedom.
Description: The app doesn’t have an option for the dark mood.
Severity Scale: 1
Recommendation: Some people love reading in a dark mood, We should give them this option.

Book overview
Violated Heuristic: Recognition rather than recall.
Description: The book overview is just the poster.
Severity Scale: 4
Recommendation: We need to add details like the name of the book, rating, genre, and small brief.

Book details recommendations
Violated Heuristic: Flexibility and efficiency of use.
Description: The book details recommendations has three sections: People also viewed, Books for the same author and books for the same reader.
Severity Scale: 4
Recommendation: We need to combine between them for faster interaction and more efficiency.

Violated Heuristic: Recognition rather than recall.
Description: The app doesn’t provide the user what is his progress on his books.
Severity Scale: 4
Recommendation: We need to let the user know his progress to make the app more personable.

Old fashioned and unintuitive UI
Violated Heuristic: Aesthetic and minimalist design.
Description: The visual elements of the interface don’t support the user's primary goals.
Severity Scale: 3
Recommendation: Prioritize the content and features to support primary goals.

A limited number of readers
Violated Heuristic: User control and freedom.
Description: We just support 1 reader for each book.
Severity Scale: 2
Recommendation: Support more than 1 reader.
Product Strategy
Target Audience
Since products are used by people, it’s always a good idea to prioritize users and their needs.

A study by the APA revealed that audiobook customers 35 to 64 years old listen to more titles and spend more time listening each week than any other age group.
The Association of American Publishers released their recent report of 2018 stats on revenue for consumer book publishers. The StatShot Monthly report came out February 11, saying that revenue for three book categories -- Adult Books, Children's/Young Adults, and Religious Presses -- saw growth, and the $7.9 billion from 2018 was a 4.6 % increase over 2017.
Predictive personas make product design much easier because they help product teams understand not just what their customers like and dislike, but also what makes a person want to become a customer.
The Problem
Reading is hoppy for few, Entertainment for other few. We read the books and if we like any part of it, We take a snap of it and share it on social media. But when it comes to audiobooks, We can’t do that.
The problem is that a person s not always want to wear large books for reading in transit. Our users like to be free and independent in action, So they want a large library of books in one app. But we don't forget bout talented people like students who want to develop their skills.
Product Vision
We need to let the user decide whether he wants to read or listen to books anywhere and anytime and give him complete control and freedom, and when he decides to listen we need to give him more options for readers.
Current State
- Only for audiobooks.
- One reader for each book.
- One plan but a different type of payment.

Target Condition
- We support PDF books and audiobooks.
- We are gonna support multiple readers for each book.
- The user will be able to purchase a specific book without subscribing to the plan.
- We will have three different subscription plans (Quarter, Semi-annual, Annual).

Product design principle
App More Personable.
User Interviews Script
I like this small PDF for the script: Check from here.

- How do the books tie back to your goals in doing your work?
- What do you do when you have questions about a specific book?
- What’s one thing you wish were more straightforward about audiobooks apps?
- When was the last time you did you listened to a book?
- Can you show me how you select a book?
- Roughly how many hours a week altogether—just a rough estimate— would you say you spend reading a book?
- Do you have any favorite genres of books?
User Journey
User Stories
Check the prototype from this link.
Thanks for watching!
Iqraaly - UX


Iqraaly - UX
