POSH Campaign Poster Ideas
POSH short for Prevention Of Sexual Harassment 
which is a very important policy at any organisation. 
Following campaign was to reintroduce and 
make aware of the same to the employees.
Tonality: Sombre, minimal, yet witty
Medium: Poster (Print), Social Media Post (Digital)
Women who go through sexual harassment deserve justice, and staying silent about it won’t help that cause. Be vocal, make your voices heard, be it virtually or physically. The world is listening. #WeSpeakPOSH
No means No. We wanted to let you know that it is okay to set boundaries, both at work or in your personal life. The perception of the word is what truly matters, and not the intent. #WeSpeakPOSH
Late calls are NOT cool. Permission and consent must be normalized, even for the most innocuous of calls. #WeSpeakPOSH
POSH exists to make sure people are at ease in the workplace, and it cannot be achieved with constant staring. #WeSpeakPOSH
Don’t pretend you’re fine. Vent it out. Get the toxicity out of your system. #WeSpeakPOSH
P.O.S.H Campaign


P.O.S.H Campaign
